Articles on: Key Features


Selectors are used for showing the app elements on the store pages correctly.

You can set up them manually or contact us.

To set up selectors, go to Settings > General > Selectors.

There are the following selectors:

Widget placement on a product page (required)

‘Add to cart’ button selection (required)

Product price selection

Cart subtotal selection

Widget placement on a quick view

Widget placement on featured product section

if the current store theme has Ajax Cart / pop-up cart / cart drawer:

‘Check out’ button selection (required)

Ajax Cart subtotal selection

Switcher Basic/Advanced just visually hides/shows optional selectors in the app admin. It means that if you set up optional selectors, then switch to Basic, optional selectors will still remain set up and will be displayed in the store.

Banner ‘Set up selectors in order to ensure that the app runs correctly’ displays on the ‘Subscription rules’ page if one of the required selectors isn't set up:

Updated on: 13/08/2024

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