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Identifying and Reviewing Existing SPF Records

SPF records live within a domain's DNS (Domain Name System) configuration. Here's how to find and review them:

Accessing DNS Management:
Domain Registrar: Many domain registrars offer a DNS management interface within their control panel. Log in to your account and look for a section labeled "DNS," "Domain Management," or similar.
Third-Party DNS Provider: If you use a separate service for DNS management, locate their control panel and navigate to the DNS section for your domain.

Finding TXT Records:
Within the DNS management interface, locate the records for your domain.
Focus on records of the type "TXT" (Text). SPF records are typically stored as TXT records.

Identifying the SPF Record:
Look for a TXT record containing text like "v=spf1" or similar. This indicates an SPF record.
There might be multiple TXT records, so examine each one carefully.

Reviewing the SPF Record Content:
The SPF record content defines authorized email senders for your domain.
It might include elements like:
include: statements specifying other domains allowed to send emails.
mx: statements authorizing email sending from your domain's MX (Mail Exchange) servers.
ip4: statements listing specific IP addresses authorized to send emails.
a: statements permitting emails from any host name associated with your domain's IP address.

Updated on: 13/08/2024

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