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How to add a subscription widget to featured products

To add the RecurrinGO! Subscriptions widget to featured products or a featured collection, you should do the following:

Go to the theme code editing section in the admin panel of your web store Online Store > Themes > … (Actions) > Edit code

In the Snippets directory, click + Add a new snippet

In the pop-up, enter the File name spurit_ros_featured_product_snippet and click Done

Paste the following code and click Save
  if(typeof(Spurit) === 'undefined'){
    var Spurit = {};
    Spurit.RecurringOrderAndSubscriptions = {};
    Spurit.RecurringOrderAndSubscriptions.snippet = {};
    Spurit.RecurringOrderAndSubscriptions.snippet.products = {};
  {% if product %}
      Spurit.RecurringOrderAndSubscriptions.snippet.products['{{}}'] = {
        id: {{}},
        title: '{{product.title}}',
        handle: '{{product.handle}}',
        collections: {{product.collections | map: 'id' | json}},
        variants: [],
        {% if product.requires_selling_plan %}
          requires_selling_plan: true,
        {% else %}
          requires_selling_plan: false,
        {% endif %}
      {% for variant in product.variants %}
            id: {{}},
            title: '{{variant.title}}',
            price: {{variant.price}},
      {% endfor %}
  {% endif %}

Go to Sections and open the featured-product.liquid file to add the subscription widget to a featured product or featured-collection.liquid to add it to a featured collection. The file name can vary for different themes. If you don’t find the featured-product.liquid or featured-collection.liquid file, go to Templates, open index.json, and find there the block responsible for featured products.

Render the snippet with {% render 'spurit_ros_featured_product_snippet', product: product %}

If you have difficulties with adding the subscription widget to the featured products / collection, our support team is ready to help.

Updated on: 13/08/2024

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